My 3yo son had an accident falling from the bed and developed black and blue in between his eyes after few days. I decided to see a pediatrician to have my worries settled once and for all. Since it's a Sunday, Our usual pedia is not available, the Clinic is close, so I decided to go to Bernardino General Hospital at Zabarte, Quezon City where I have given birth. The OPD is jam packed, as usual, and we waited almost 4hours before we were called. Finally, it's our turn see the doctor. The Pediatrician, Dr. Galang, wasn't the usual lovable doctor that kids would love. She reminds me of a terror teacher in grade school. She seems full of herself, without even acknowledging the presence of my son, she goes on asking the reason why we came. So I told her it's about my son's bump on the head, how it happen, all my worries etc etc. And she seem irritated by my reason on seeing her, as if we disturbed her for nothing. Well, Hello!!!,The consultation is worth php250 not to m...
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