
Showing posts from October, 2012

Trick or treat costume

So it's that time of the year again, and for us mommies, we are pressured to find a nice costume for our little ones. As for me, I was aware that the school of my Pre- schoolers are going to have a trick or treat at school in time for their foundation week celebration a month ago. So as early as September I already had an idea what I wanted them to wear, I printed a photo downloaded from the Internet, I bought fabric of different colors and found a sewer to make the dress for them. The fabric cost not more than 500 pesos. The dress maker asked me to pay her 600 pesos for each. That cost 1,700 for my little girl and boy's costume. Roughly 850 pesos for each. Did I save some money this way? Maybe just a little, the fabric doesn't cost that much! But the dress maker does. Anyway, I am happy with their costume. And for their 1st trick or treat experience, I want them to look their best.

Siri fantasyland at Manila Ocean Park

One of the two destination for my kids field trip was Siri Fantasyland. Actually, the field trip fees for the students were already included with their tuition and miscellaneous fees. But since my 2 kids are still in preschool, guardian were required. Me and my husband paid 2,200 pesos. The two destination: 1. Siri fantasyland 2. Bioresearch's Lost Eden We arrive at our first destination before 9am, I think they were still close but since we were part of a school field trip, we were accommodated. We were a big number, so we were divided per bus number (the bus we came from) to efficiently accommodate us in the different attraction at the same time. Time management were efficient, the guides were well trained to facilitate school field trip. Anyway, among the four attraction (mirror maze, 3D movie, art museum, and the kids paradise), I enjoyed the third one a lot! It was like a real thing, the painter has done a really good job. My only qualm is that the time was limited. I ...