Enchanted Kingdom
my little girl in her snow white costume It was my birthday, our family of 4 decided to spent it at Enchanted Kingdom, Sta. Rosa, Laguna. Coincidentally, EK have their Halloween's Trick or Treat on the same day as our visit. Since I was already aware of it because I check their website beforehand, I had my kids wear their Halloween costume. I thought its the usual trick or treat but I was mistaken, sure the kids in costume and their companion got to enter the park free of charge but they have to pay for the rides. And it's totally a waste of time! Imagine me, falling in line again and again to buy their ride tickets. We were never told that we need to get outside of the park once we entered and fall in line in the long lines just to buy the ride all you can ticket. We arrived 9:30am but we get to enjoyed the rides late as 1pm because of the confusion brought about by this so called "free entrance for kids in costume and their companion". Anyway, the good thing ...